Gender equality index
In accordance with the law of 5 September 2018 (French law) for the freedom to choose one's professional future and its application decree of 8 January 2019, aimed at eliminating the pay gap between women and men, Kwanko is publishing its Gender Equality Index.
The gender equality index within Kwanko:
Kwanko's gender equality index for 2024 stands at 80 out of 100, marking the fourth consecutive year above 75 points.
This result was obtained from the following 4 indicators:
- Gender pay gap: 25/40 points
- Gender pay gap in individual increments: 35/35 points
- Number of female employees receiving a raise within one year of returning from maternity leave: 15/15 points
- Parity among the ten highest paid: 5/10 points
We are pleased with this result and the progress made (+2 points) compared to the previous year. Gender equality within our teams is a key priority, which is why we are committed to identifying and addressing any pay gaps in a sustainable manner.
Beyond pay equality, which is one of the pillars of professional equality, we are also committed to promoting gender diversity in all roles from the recruitment stage and ensuring equal access to career growth and development opportunities. This score reflects our ongoing efforts.
This score reflects the effectiveness of the measures put in place in recent years and we will continue our efforts in terms of equality, parity and diversity.