The power of affiliate marketing for bloggers: turning passions into income

The power of affiliate marketing for bloggers: turning passions into income

Bloggers have acquired considerable influence in recent years, becoming major players in the digital sphere. Their ability to create quality content, interact with their community and influence purchasing decisions make them ideal partners for brands and businesses.

Our SKALE with Kwanko offer, a SAAS affiliate platform, has clearly understood the importance of this marketing lever. That’s why our affiliate platform offers a wide range of bloggers.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the concept of affiliate marketing (also known as Performance Marketing), give you an in-depth understanding of bloggers and discover how this concept can open up lucrative new opportunities for them. Finally, we’ll explain the benefits for advertisers of working with bloggers.

Understanding affiliate marketing 

Affiliate marketing is a business model in which an individual, called an affiliate or a publisher, promotes the products or services of another company, called an advertiser, on their blog or website. When the visitors of the publisher’s blog make purchases or specific actions, such as filling in a form or subscribing to a newsletter, the publisher receives a commission on these conversions.

There are different types of publishers, such as content websites, comparison websites, vouchers and shopping guides, and many others. Bloggers are an important category of publishers, as their ability to create quality content and build trusting relationships with their audience can result in higher conversions and greater revenue.

Who are the bloggers?


Bloggers are passionate and committed individuals who use their online platform, usually a blog, to share information, thoughts and advice in a specific field. They create original, high-quality content based on their expertise and personal experience. Bloggers take a more detailed and in-depth approach than is generally offered by other forms of media. They build a relationship with their audience by providing informative and engaging content.

The different types of blogger

There are various types of blogger, depending on their themes, approaches and objectives. 

  • Fashion and lifestyle bloggers share ideas on trends, beauty tips, products to try and offer a dose of inspiration to their followers
  • Sports bloggers focus on sports news, match analysis, athlete interviews and fitness tips
  • Travel bloggers captivate their readers by sharing their adventures, tips and destination recommendations.  
  • Food bloggers publish recipes, restaurant reviews and cooking tips.
  • Technology bloggers focus on the latest innovations, product reviews and user guides. 

Whatever the type of blogger, each brings their own expertise and passion to inform, inspire and entertain their readers.

The advantages for bloggers of becoming publishers

Becoming a publisher offers bloggers many advantages, both financial and professional.

Diversification of revenues: Affiliate Marketing allows bloggers to diversify their sources of income beyond traditional advertising. By recommending relevant products or services to their audience, bloggers can earn commission on the sales generated by their recommendations. This gives them greater financial stability and independence, as they are not solely dependent on a single source of income.

Freedom of choice: Bloggers have the freedom to choose the products or services they wish to promote according to their audience and expertise. They can select products that they actually use and believe in. This authenticity builds trust with their audience and strengthens their credibility. Bloggers can talk about what they’re really passionate about and share genuine recommendations, while earning money through affiliate marketing.

Collaboration with brands: Affiliate marketing can also lead to closer partnerships with brands. Influential bloggers can be approached by companies for exclusive partnerships, which can mean additional promotional opportunities and benefits such as free products or special discounts for their audience. These collaborations extend their reach by giving them access to new audiences through brand awareness and influence. Bloggers can also benefit from additional resources, such as quality products to review, exclusive information or invitations to special events related to their expertise.

Help with content creation: Affiliate marketing offers an opportunity to create enriched content. By integrating affiliate links and relevant recommendations into their articles, videos or podcasts, they can provide their audience with additional resources and purchase options. This enriches the user experience by providing more complete information and helping them to make informed decisions. In addition, affiliate links can enable bloggers to monetise their content more effectively, generating additional revenue from the sales generated by their recommendations.

Main benefits for advertisers

Increased visibility and audience thanks to bloggers

One of the main advantages for advertisers of using affiliation with bloggers is the increased visibility and audience for their brand or products. Bloggers often have a loyal and committed subscriber base, who trust their recommendations and follow their advice. When a blogger recommends a product or service to their audience, it can generate a lot of interest and demand.

By working with relevant bloggers in their niche, advertisers can reach a qualified and targeted audience. Bloggers have already established a relationship of trust with their audience, making it more likely that recommendations will be converted into actual sales. This enables advertisers to reach a specific audience and increase their visibility among people who are genuinely interested in what they have to offer.

Precise performance measurement and return on investment (ROI)

Affiliate marketing offers advertisers a precise way of measuring the performance of their campaigns and obtaining a clear return on investment. Thanks to the unique affiliate links allocated to each blogger, it is possible to track the sales, actions and conversions that result directly from their recommendations.

This traceability enables advertisers to understand which campaigns or which bloggers are generating the best results. They can adjust their strategies based on this data and focus their resources on the best-performing partnerships. This transparency of performance enables advertisers to maximise their return on investment and optimise their marketing efforts.

Affordability of affiliate marketing compared to other marketing channels

Affiliate marketing is often seen as a cost-effective marketing channel compared to other forms of advertising or promotion. Advertisers generally only pay publishers when tangible results are achieved, such as sales or specific actions. This means that they only spend money when real results are achieved, which reduces the financial risk and increases the potential return.

In conclusion, affiliate marketing offers many opportunities for bloggers and advertisers. For bloggers, it allows them to generate additional income by recommending relevant products or services to their audience. They can diversify their sources of revenues and turn their passion into a lucrative business. For advertisers, affiliate marketing gives them access to a targeted and committed audience, increases their visibility and enables them to accurately measure the performance of their campaigns.


If you’re a passionate blogger looking to turn your passion into income, affiliate marketing could be an interesting option to explore. Discover KWANKO, an affiliate platform that offers more than 3,000 campaigns in all sectors, as well as all the tools you need to manage your affiliation programs effectively.

If you are an advertiser, SKALE with Kwanko helps you find potential publisherss for your brand according to your criteria and your type of content. This self-service solution is specially designed for small and medium-sized businesses, start-ups and self-employed entrepreneurs to help them rapidly develop their e-commerce activity. Thanks to its SaaS approach, e-merchants can manage their affiliation program on their own or be supported by our support package.

This comprehensive package gives access to all the features of the Kwanko platform, including its network of 180,000 publisher websites, as well as all the tools needed to manage your affiliate program.

Emma Gonçalves

Jul 12, 2023


What do I need to do to launch my affiliate program on SKALE?

It is very simple!
First, you have to fill in the sign-up form here.
You will then receive an email confirmation link which you will have to click on to validate your registration.
You will then be redirected to our campaign creation page.
In a few clicks, you will :
- define the country in which you want to promote your offers and products
- upload your ads
- define the commission rate that you will offer to your publishers
- set up and check the tracking pixel
- sign your online contract
- credit your account (by credit card only) which will be used to pay the first sales generated by your publishers.

Once these steps are completed, your program is live and ready to be broadcast.

Do I need a strong technical background to launch my program on SKALE?

Absolutely not and that's the whole point of our solution.
Our campaign creation page has been entirely designed to be as simple as possible, in plug & play mode. Furthermore, we are technically integrated with the main e-commerce solutions on the market, such as Shopify, Prestashop, WooCommerce (and many others) to make your job easier.

I don't have any creative ads because I am starting my business, what should I do?

Our creative studio, expert in the creation of performing ads, can do it for you. All you have to do is select one of the pay-per-use packages (6 or 12 banners) during the creation of your campaign. Our team will then contact you and offer you, in record time, a batch of high-performance creatives so that you can launch your campaign.
Please note that these ads will be your property and that you have the rights to use them for any other channels, outside Kwanko.

Which countries can I launch my affiliate program?

SKALE with Kwanko is available in Eurozone countries (and very soon available for Pound Sterling and Dollars).
This means you can launch your affiliate program in all major European countries (and shortly in the US and Canada).

How long does it take to get my program ready to go live?

We estimate that it takes 30 minutes (assuming you already have your creatives) to set up your affiliate program on SKALE with Kwanko.

What is a publisher? Where my ads will be displayed?

You will be able to run your offers and/or products on our network of more than 150,000 international publisher websites.
Our network is made up of the best e-commerce verticals, mainly:
- content websites, blogs, and social networks with a direct affinity with your core target, directly targeting your brand and products
- price comparison websites sites for optimal promotion of your products
- cashback websites, promo codes, and voucher sites to reach communities of buyers
- remarketing visitors to your online store
- Performance-based Social Ads to reach prospects through ultra-precise targeting

Can I integrate my own publishers and manage all my partnerships in one tool?

Of course!
All you have to do is ask your publishers to register for free on our platform here.

How will I activate publishers on my affiliate program?

A search directory of publishers (by vertical, theme/sector, country, etc.) will enable you to identify the best websites in affinity with your audience. You'll be able to invite them to join your affiliate campaign. The websites will then be notified of your interest: all they will have to do is set up your ads on their websites. In addition, websites may also spontaneously apply for your campaign and you can approve them on your interface if they're a good fit.

How do I know if the payout I offer is attractive to publishers?

It is key to define the right payout that is, on the one hand, attractive for publishers and, on the other hand, profitable for you also.
This is why we have created an ROI calculator that will allow you to determine a range of commission to offer to your publishers. Click here and start your estimate.

What is Kwanko's commission rate on each sale?

It's simple: 0%.
Indeed, there is no platform commission with our SKALE offer.
The entire payout is paid to the publishers who will generate sales on your online store.
For a very simple reason: this is a self-service offer. This means that you launch and manage your campaign by yourself. However, you can choose to be accompanied by our experts by subscribing to our pay-per-use offers. In this case, the price is fixed.

How will I animate with my network of publishers?

SKALE with Kwanko provides you with a messaging tool to communicate directly with your publishers and negotiate specific deals and highlights. You can, for example, announce the setup of new offers, publisher challenges, payout increases during peak periods or negotiate one-to-one deals.

How does Kwanko track sales?

We track sales with the implementation of a tracking pixel.
In concrete terms, this is a code that you will install on your website in a very simple way with our plug & play solution. Everything will be explained to you when you create your campaign. The publishers will incorporate ads and install them on their website(s).

How do publishers get paid?

SKALE with Kwanko is a performance-based business model. This means that you only pay for the sales generated on your online store. Our platform tracks the sales and the publishers associated with those sales. Once you have validated the sales in question, our platform will automatically manage the payment of the publishers.

What tools are available on the platform?

On the Kwanko platform, you will find all the tools that will allow you to manage, analyze and optimize your affiliate program: detailed statistics in real-time, complete reports, APIs, conversion and payment management tools, a messaging tool as well. Please note that whatever pricing plan you choose, you will have access to ALL the features of the Kwanko platform.

How much does SKALE with Kwanko cost?

You pay a monthly fee (from 99€/month*) for the use of the platform and all its features. And you pay your publishers the commission rate per sale that you have previously defined. Unlike other platforms, there is 0% platform commission with SKALE. To learn more about our pricing, click here.

What are pay-per-use services?

The pay-per-use services are additional services that you can choose to take at any time. You choose when you need support, whether it be technical (help with technical implementation), operational (Starter and/or Booster Pack) or creative (6 or 12 banner pack). The prices are fixed.

What happens if I exceed my annual spendings defined in my chosen plan? Will my campaign stop?

Of course not! If you exceed your limit spending defined in your plan, your conversions will continue to be tracked. However, you will be upgraded to the upper plan the following month and you will be alerted by email.

Can I change my pricing plan at any time?

The upgrade of pricing is automatically managed by our platform according to your annual advertising expenses. But you can opt for an annual package (2 months are offered) and decide to go back to a monthly basis at any time.

Why is there a minimum commitment of 3 months?

This is the time you need to assess its potential.
Indeed, between the activation of the campaign on our network, the implementation by the publishers, the generation of the first sales, and the validation of these sales, 3 months is the period we consider necessary to be able to draw up an initial assessment and judge the profitability of the model for you.

Can I unsubscribe from SKALE with Kwanko?

After this 3 month period, you can request your termination after 14 days by sending an email to If your deposit has not been used, we will proceed to refund the outstanding amount. Of course, we don't want it to happen. A series of comprehensive tutorials and documents (wiki), written by our operational teams, will give you plenty of tips on how to take advantage of affiliate marketing and scale your eCommerce business.

What is the free trial and how can I activate it?

The free trial corresponds to the period between the first day of the launch of your affiliate program and the end of the calendar month, during which you will not be charged the monthly or annual plan. You will be able to discover the full potential of the SKALE platform with complete peace of mind. During this period, you can interrupt your affiliate program free of charge by contacting the SKALE team by email at:

If you do not cancel, the pricing plan you have subscribed to will take effect from the 1st of the month following the launch of your affiliate program, i.e. at the end of the Free Trial Period.

Please note that the publishers' commissions remain due and will be deducted from the refund of the deposit you made when you launched your affiliate program.